Jaeger instruments in Lamborghini 1963-1967

In an earlier blog I showed already some pictures of Jaeger instruments in Italian sportscars as Ferrari and Intermechanica. In this blog I want to show the instruments used in Lamborghini between 1962 and 1967. The first Lamborghini (350GTV) was showed in Turin in 1963, after a very short developing time of 6 months. The instruments used look similar as the ones used in the Panhard 24 CT, only the text on the mano’s is in italian language, the Lamborghini logo was used, and of course some extra km/h. The layout of the dash and the instruments of the first models 350 GTV and GT and 400 GT and 2+2 are the same. From the Miura (1966) the layout of the dash and instruments changed, see last picture, and had from 1967 on black bezels.

Panhard 24


