Jaeger instruments and tableau's in RHD cars and with speedometer in miles/h

In an earlier blog I wondered or there was a Jaegertableau for RHD Citroen DS. I found a picture of a DS with this item. In this blog pictures That I took and found on internet of Jaeger instruments and tableau's in RHD cars. 

 Renault R10
Citroen DS

This one is for a LHD car but with speedometer in miles
RHD, but km/h
Citroen GS X2 and birotor

Instruments: there are 2 speedometers: 100 and 120 mph. The 100 miles is used in the Renault R8S

Here pictures of the Slough UK dashes, that are different from the french because it’s of 1 piece of metal and the french lookalike is in black wrinckle, as showen in the picture from an owners manual from 1965. Also the measures of the panel in the Slough build DS is different, with more height at the left side of the panel and different curve.
